Friday, September 12, 2008

Love my BOB!

Why didn't I get a BOB jogging stroller when I had my first kid, maybe cause I didn't jog, but that is besides the point. I LOVE this stroller, it is so easy to push whether jogging or running errands. It has great storage and easy to sleep in from what Brooke does every day when I jog! So I recommend buying one, totally worth the money, although check out Craigslist before you buy a new one!

Just have to pat myself on the back for jogging for the third time this week while Sam was in school, it has been my plan all along but didn't know if I would muster up the energy or desire. Yeah me! I know I could go farther than I do but at least I am doing something. Ok now I am hungry but trying to do Weight Watchers so the options are limiting...I want a brownie!

Hi Laurie - since you are the only one to read this! HA!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

How's your BOB doing?